How To Clean Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Stainless steel jewelry is a popular choice for many due to its hypoallergenic, durable, and rust-resistant properties. However, like any other type of jewelry, it can lose its shine and luster over time due to exposure to skin oils, soap residue, and environmental factors. Proper cleaning and care are essential to maintain the timeless beauty and corrosion-resistant nature of your stainless steel accessories.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods to effectively clean stainless steel jewelry, ensuring it stays sparkling and durable for years to come. Whether you’re dealing with mild tarnish or stubborn grime, we’ve got you covered with easy-to-follow steps and expert tips.

What is Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Stainless steel is a metal alloy composed of iron, chromium, and other elements, making it incredibly strong and resistant to corrosion and rust. This unique composition makes stainless steel an ideal choice for jewelry, as it is not only hypoallergenic (meaning it’s less likely to cause skin irritation), but also highly durable and low-maintenance.

The chromium content in stainless steel, typically ranging from 10.5% to 30%, forms an invisible passive layer of chromium oxide on the surface. This layer acts as a protective barrier, preventing further oxidation and rust from occurring, making stainless steel highly corrosion-resistant.

Common types of stainless steel jewelry include:

  • Rings
  • Necklaces
  • Bracelets
  • Earrings
  • Watches

Benefits of Stainless Steel Jewelry

Aside from its hypoallergenic and rust-resistant properties, stainless steel jewelry offers several other advantages:

  1. Affordability: Compared to precious metals like gold or platinum, stainless steel is a more cost-effective option, making it accessible to a wider range of consumers.
  2. Durability: Stainless steel is renowned for its remarkable strength and resistance to scratches, dents, and everyday wear and tear, ensuring your jewelry retains its quality for years to come.
  3. Low Maintenance: Unlike other metals that require frequent polishing or special care, stainless steel is relatively low-maintenance and easy to clean, saving you time and effort.
  4. Versatility: Stainless steel can be polished to a high shine or given a matte finish, making it suitable for a wide range of styles and preferences.

Why is Cleaning Stainless Steel Jewelry Important?

While stainless steel is designed to resist corrosion and tarnishing, it can still accumulate dirt, oils, and grime over time, dulling its once-brilliant shine. Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the beauty and longevity of your stainless steel jewelry. Neglecting to clean your pieces can lead to permanent damage, such as pitting or discoloration.

Common Sources of Stainless Steel Jewelry Tarnish and Buildup

Even though stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, it can still be affected by various factors that contribute to tarnish and buildup:

  1. Skin Oils and Sweat: The oils and acids present in our skin can interact with the metal surface, causing discoloration and dulling over time.
  2. Soap Residue: Leftover soap residue from showering or washing can leave a film on your jewelry, making it appear dull and streaky.
  3. Environmental Pollutants: Exposure to elements like salt air, smog, and other pollutants can lead to tarnishing and potentially accelerate corrosion if left uncleaned.
  4. Household Chemicals: Certain harsh chemicals found in cleaning products, hairsprays, and other household items can react with the metal surface, causing discoloration or damage.

By understanding these common sources of tarnish and buildup, you can take preventative measures and establish a regular cleaning routine to keep your stainless steel jewelry looking its best.

Supplies Needed for Cleaning Stainless Steel Jewelry

Before we dive into the cleaning methods, let’s gather the necessary supplies:

  • Warm water
  • Mild dish soap
  • Soft cloth or brush
  • Baking soda (optional)
  • Jewelry polishing cloth (optional)
  • Small bowl or container

How to Clean Stainless Steel Jewelry – Basic Method

For routine cleaning and mild tarnish, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill a small bowl or container with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.
  2. Gently scrub your stainless steel jewelry with a soft cloth or brush, taking care not to apply too much pressure to avoid scratching the surface.
  3. Rinse the pieces thoroughly under running water to remove any soap residue.
  4. Dry the jewelry with a clean, soft cloth, ensuring no moisture remains in crevices or hard-to-reach areas.

Pro Tip: Avoid using abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, or rough materials, as they can scratch or damage the stainless steel surface. Stick to mild, gentle cleaners specifically designed for use on metals.

How to Clean Heavily Tarnished Stainless Steel

If your stainless steel jewelry has accumulated significant tarnish or grime, you may need a more heavy-duty cleaning method. Here’s how to tackle stubborn buildup:

  1. Create a paste by mixing baking soda and water in a small bowl. The consistency should be thick enough to stick to the jewelry but not too dry.
  2. Using a soft-bristled brush or a clean, soft cloth, gently scrub the paste onto the tarnished areas of your jewelry.
  3. Let the paste sit for a few minutes to allow the abrasive properties of the baking soda to work on the tarnish.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of the paste.
  5. (Optional) Use a jewelry polishing cloth to buff out any remaining tarnish and restore the shine.

Anecdote: I recently unearthed an old stainless steel necklace that had been tucked away in a drawer for years. It was dull and heavily tarnished, but this baking soda method brought it back to life, and it now looks as good as new!

Ultrasonic Cleaning for Heavily Soiled Jewelry

In cases of extreme buildup or heavily soiled stainless steel jewelry, you may consider seeking professional ultrasonic cleaning services. This method uses high-frequency sound waves and a specialized cleaning solution to dislodge even the most stubborn dirt and grime from hard-to-reach crevices and intricate designs.

Many jewelers offer ultrasonic cleaning services, and it can be a highly effective way to restore your stainless steel pieces to their former glory when regular cleaning methods fall short.

Preventing Future Tarnish and Buildup

While cleaning is essential, taking preventative measures can help minimize the need for frequent deep cleaning. Here are some tips to keep your stainless steel jewelry looking its best:

  • Remove your jewelry before participating in activities that involve water, such as showering, swimming, or washing dishes.
  • Avoid contact with household cleaners, chemicals, and harsh environments that could potentially damage or discolor the stainless steel.
  • Store your jewelry properly, either in a jewelry box or a soft pouch, to prevent scratches and exposure to air and moisture.
  • After wearing your jewelry, gently wipe it down with a soft cloth to remove any accumulated oils or dirt before storing it.
  • Consider using a jewelry protectant spray or coating specifically designed for stainless steel to create an invisible barrier against tarnish and buildup.

By incorporating these preventative measures into your routine, you can significantly extend the time between deep cleanings and maintain the radiant appearance of your stainless steel jewelry.

When to Take Stainless Steel to a Professional

In some cases, you may need to seek professional assistance for cleaning and polishing your stainless steel jewelry. Consider taking your pieces to a jeweler if:

  • You have intricately designed jewelry with hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to clean at home.
  • At-home cleaning methods have failed to restore the shine and luster of your jewelry.
  • You want to take advantage of professional ultrasonic cleaning and polishing services for a deep, thorough clean.
  • Your jewelry has sustained significant scratches or damage that requires professional restoration or refinishing.

Professional jewelers have access to specialized equipment and techniques that can effectively clean, polish, and repair stainless steel jewelry in ways that may not be possible at home.

Caring for Specific Types of Stainless Steel Jewelry

While the general cleaning methods apply to most stainless steel jewelry pieces, certain types may require some additional considerations:

Jewelry Type Cleaning Tips
Rings Remove before lotions/cleaners, use soft brush
Necklaces/Bracelets Remove before sweating, wipe down after wear
Earrings Clean after wearing, avoid sleeping/showering
Watches Remove band, use cloth/solution on case, no submerging


Stainless steel rings are prone to accumulating dirt, oils, and soap residue from daily hand washing and activities. Here are some tips for keeping your rings sparkling:

  • Remove rings before applying lotions, creams, or household cleaners to prevent buildup.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush to gently scrub the ring’s surface and hard-to-reach areas.
  • Consider using a jewelry cleaning solution specifically formulated for stainless steel for a deeper clean.

Necklaces and Bracelets

Necklaces and bracelets can trap sweat, hair products, and environmental pollutants close to the skin, leading to discoloration and tarnish over time. To keep them clean:

  • Remove necklaces and bracelets before showering or engaging in activities that may cause excessive perspiration.
  • Use a soft cloth or jewelry cleaning cloth to gently wipe down the jewelry after each wear.
  • For intricate chain designs, use a soft-bristled brush or a jewelry cleaning solution to reach into the crevices.


Earrings, especially studs or hoops, can accumulate oils and buildup from contact with the skin and hair. To keep them looking their best:

  • Gently clean earrings with a soft cloth and mild soap and water after each wear.
  • For heavily soiled earrings, use a jewelry cleaning solution or create a baking soda paste for a deeper clean.
  • Avoid sleeping or showering with stainless steel earrings to prevent tarnish and buildup.


Stainless steel watches not only face the same challenges as other jewelry but also have additional components that require special care. To properly clean a stainless steel watch:

  • Remove the watch band or bracelet and clean it separately using a soft brush and mild soap solution.
  • Use a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped in cleaning solution to gently clean the watch case, bezel, and dial, taking care not to submerge the watch in water.
  • Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the watch’s finish or components.

By following these type-specific tips, you can ensure that your stainless steel jewelry remains in pristine condition, no matter the style or design.

Removing Tough Stains and Discoloration

Even with regular cleaning and preventative care, stainless steel jewelry may sometimes develop stubborn stains or discoloration. In such cases, you can try these additional methods:

Lemon Juice or Vinegar

The acidic properties of lemon juice or white vinegar can help break down tough stains and tarnish on stainless steel. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Mix equal parts lemon juice (or vinegar) and water in a small bowl.
  2. Dip a soft cloth or brush into the solution and gently scrub the affected areas.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Baking Soda and Salt Paste

For a slightly more abrasive cleaning solution, try mixing baking soda and salt with water to create a paste:

  1. Combine equal parts baking soda and salt in a small bowl.
  2. Add just enough water to form a thick paste.
  3. Using a soft cloth or brush, gently scrub the paste onto the discolored areas.
  4. Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.

Caution: While these methods can be effective, exercise caution and test on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure they don’t cause any unintended damage or discoloration to your specific piece of jewelry.

Restoring Shine to Dull Stainless Steel

Over time, even with regular cleaning, stainless steel can lose its lustrous shine. To restore that brilliant, mirror-like finish, consider using a metal polish or jeweler’s rouge specifically formulated for stainless steel.

These polishing compounds contain mild abrasives that gently remove surface oxidation and microscopic scratches, revealing the fresh, shiny metal underneath. Follow the product instructions carefully and apply the polish using a soft cloth or dedicated polishing pad, buffing in a circular motion until the desired shine is achieved.

Proper Storage for Stainless Steel Jewelry

Proper storage is just as important as cleaning when it comes to preserving the beauty and integrity of your stainless steel jewelry. Here are some tips for storing your pieces:

  • Use a dedicated jewelry box or soft pouch to prevent pieces from rubbing against each other and potentially scratching or becoming tangled.
  • Store jewelry separately from other metals to avoid potential chemical reactions or discoloration.
  • Avoid storing jewelry in damp or humid environments, as moisture can accelerate tarnishing and corrosion.
  • Consider using anti-tarnish strips or silica gel packets to absorb excess moisture and prevent tarnish.

By taking proper storage precautions, you can extend the lifespan of your stainless steel jewelry and minimize the need for frequent, intensive cleaning.


  1. Can baking soda damage stainless steel jewelry?

No, baking soda is safe when used gently.

  1. How often should I clean my stainless steel jewelry? 

Clean stainless steel jewelry every few weeks or after each wear.

  1. Can I use toothpaste to clean my stainless steel ring?

Toothpaste is not ideal; use dedicated jewelry cleaners or mild soap.

  1. How do I prevent water spots on my stainless steel jewelry?

Thoroughly dry jewelry after cleaning to prevent water spots. 

  1. When should I take my stainless steel jewelry to a professional for cleaning?

Take jewelry to a professional for intricate designs, heavy soiling, or when at-home cleaning fails.


Stainless steel jewelry is an excellent choice for those seeking hypoallergenic, durable, and low-maintenance accessories. By following the cleaning methods outlined in this guide and incorporating preventative measures, you can keep your stainless steel pieces sparkling and looking brand new for years to come.

Remember, regular cleaning and proper care are key to maintaining the timeless beauty and rust-resistance of your stainless steel jewelry. Whether you opt for a simple soap and water routine or occasional deep cleaning with baking soda or specialized solutions, staying consistent with your efforts will pay off in the long run.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance when needed, as jewelers have access to specialized equipment and techniques that can restore even the most tarnished or damaged pieces to their former glory.

So, why not give these easy cleaning methods a try and experience the joy of wearing your stainless steel jewelry with confidence, knowing it will always look its radiant best? Embrace the beauty and durability of this remarkable metal, and let your accessories shine as brilliantly as the day you first acquired them.

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